Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The White Temple

Today I saw something pretty awesome, and the inside is even more amazing (no pics allowed inside the temple) We went to the "White Temple" . This is a temple done by an AMAZING artist. The inside is painted from ceiling to floor to represent Buddhist teachings and the meaning of life.... Now what make this so special is the artist painted everything to relate to our generation including the twin towers, cartoons, movies...... etc. Its really hard to explain but i think its amazing and the view its portrayed from really makes you think as well as makes it re-latable. You would have to see it to really understand but it includes SailorMoon fighting off evil so how can it not be awesome!!!
All around the temple are crazy figures and statues representing the evils in the world and how its eats up the good. When you walk towards the temple there is a bridge and under the bridge are hundreds of white hands reaching up (from hell) holding things from our generation (ex-cell phone) as a modern day representation.

A little extra fact- Of course with everything in life there's always a ying and yang so if there's a white temple there is also a black temple representing evil, hopefully we'll get to go and I'll share that with you.

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