Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Elephants and A River Boat

This was my favorite day so far.... We started off our morning with a 30min river boat ride to an Aka elephant camp in the jungle.

The elephant camp is in a local tribe village in the north of Thailand (and don't worry I was pretty aware of everything in the sense of how they treated the elephants, I questioned them on everything haha)

I think that these are such special animals and I found it a little difficult to see them confined to a small space when they have such a huge jungle at their fingertips..... I think they should be free :(

AND of course how could we not give them a little snack while we were there... SO we bought them sugarcane and bananas hehe and gave them a little "TLC" :) :) :)
I really loved them, There so gentle and playful, and they have the kindest eyes its hard not to love them!

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