Monday, June 20, 2011

Chiang Mai

So on Friday we decided to spend the night in a neighboring town about 3 hours away..... and why you might ask haha well SHOPPING of course :)

My mom, brother, sister-in-law, Flo, and Pi-Noi all took a van and did the trip together. We had a great time and on the road did a few stops and one in particular involved a lot of us feeling car sick on the way up.... and when you finally see hope that the cars stopping you see the set of stairs you have to walk up... a little discouraging haha but worth it.
Its safe to say that walking up we took a few breaks :) At the top of the hill is a beautiful temple and a monk school. The temple is in the middle and the surrounded my beautiful art and a great view of the city, well worth the work out!
After spending a few moments to take in the view and catch our breath we figured out there was an elevator...... haha so we took it down although i think going up would have been better.
After leaving the temple we started heading into town where we spotted a few young monks with there teacher, there so cute and i wish i could have taken more pictures but they were moving to fast

After checking into our hotel we had a nice dinner (vegetable rice :)...) and then headed out to the night market. All the local markets here seem to be at night, I'm assuming because of the heat it makes it a little more bearable to walk around. The streets were lined with little booths and local items such as silks and jewelry. We loved it and shopped the night away!

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