Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Flight

So I must say the flight was not half as bad as I thought it would be! Since we took off at 12am we went straight to sleep and by the time it was breakfast 8 hours went by! After that it was more sleeping and movies and then we landed. Oh and the movie list on these flights are quite, awesome there was everything you could want and even movies that are still in theaters!

Landing was pretty cool, we got too see a lot of farmland and fishing over the coast.... oh and the pretty much smacks you in the face when the plane door opens haha And then your in a whole new world, its kind of a weird feeling.... Usually because I speak French and Spanish while traveling I can pick up a lot but not here... this kinda makes you feel helpless trying to read any signs.
It was awesome to see my brother and sister in law, I think this is a really special trip for us, actually I think this is the 1st trip my brother and I have been on together since we were kids (i know he lives here but its still a new exploration for us :) )
So we are now showered and ready to explore the markets!

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