Thursday, June 16, 2011

Golden Triangle

Today we drove to the Golden Triangle- this is where Thailand/Burma/Laos are all facing each other in the shape of a triangle in case you couldn't guess haha. It was really cool to see the proximity of three countries like that as well as how easy it is to just take a little boat over and not have any sort of customs or immigration.

Well I must say that was the highlight of the day haha things from that point on were a little on the down side... We continued up the mountain to a beautiful hotel where we had a not so good lunch before heading home ( on the bright side the hotel was next to an elephant rescue and you could hear them talking hehehe) On our way back to Chiang Rai we saw a sign for a hill tribe village called the "Karen Long Neck" so we decided to pull in and see what it was...

I have to say this is one of the worst things I've seen and I've traveled and seen a lot.... As soon as you pull in there's a really weird vibe, its hard to explain and then they charge you to go in. Once you enter its almost like supporting a sex trade in the tourism industry.... All the women are working while there are men controlling them and collecting money, it was the most uncomfortable feeling I have ever had.

As we were walking we weren't too sure what to do, just looking at these women you can tell they were forced to be there and work as well as the women wearing the neck rings were absolutely stunning but at the same time so sad.
As we were walking a man stopped us from heading towards the village saying we had to pay more money to see the girls, and its hard because we dont speak Thai and were in such shock that your not too sure how to act
I would bet that the men choose the pretty girls and start them off when there kids to wear the long necks. My mom had bought a scarf from a girl and the 1st thing she does is run to a man to give him the money, I couldn't believe it, after maybe 10 minutes there we couldn't take it and left.
While there I didn't even want to take pictures I felt so guilty and uncomfortable. When my mom bought the scarf I ended up taking a picture of the girl and felt really conflicted but I thought that this is a good way to tell people to not go and support whats happening.
So we just got in the car and left.
then on the way home there's two guys on motorbikes with these cages attached to the back each with t pig shoved in.... there noses were sticking out it was so tight... and there were going to get killed :( uggggg poor things

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