Monday, June 13, 2011

Heading North

Ok so today was just one of those days where you cant help but think someone somewhere is watching and laughing at you!
We started the day off really nice, went jewlry shopping for Tookatas wedding dress' and then headed back to the hotel to have a nice lunch before heading to the airport to catch our flight to Chiang Rai.
So were ready to leave and we call the front desk to ask then if someone can come help with the bags...pretty standard for traveling.... Then haha the bell boy took the bags so we assumed everything was fine. I left the room 1st and wen to get an elevatore and what did lucky me see..... the bell boy was standing in the elevator going through one of the bags and he took something out and was trying to steel it.
So he's standing the with or stuff in one had and an empty bag in the other.... I stood there until he noticed me and just then my mom walks up behind me and he drops everything in the bag and starts wrapping it up. So we get in the elevator and the guys pretended like nothing and started asking us about our trip. So we just let it go....
of course things are never that easy... All are bags were waiting to be loaded into a cab, I was waiting with them as my mom went to check out.
So we start loading the cab and at this poing Im watching every bag and of course the same bag he tried to steal earlier was missing again. He loaded the other bags and said all done and waited for a tip, at this point I was just surprised and how stupid people are and I told him he forgot a bag and he said "no no all there" and I said "COME I KNOW YOU LEFT ONE" and I walked up behind the bell desk where he hid it under a table grabbed it and gave it to him to put in the car haha It was pretty priceless, I think he thought he was pretty stealth but not for my smart ass!!!!

ok so were heading to the airport, check in, walk to the gate, wait for our flight......yes we waited but of course there's this little boy sitting by us that was so so sick there is no way he should be getting on a plane. His mom had walked away for around 25 minutes and this whole time the boys is coughing, gagging, crying, and having trouble breathing. It came to the point where we were going to get help and his prissy fashionista mom shows up where he instantly coughs up blood and throws up..... oh yay.......
Ok so were all on the plane and we find out the flight were taking is a training flight for beginner pilots! NOT GOOD it was one of the bumpiest landings ever........oh and someone from the hotel dropped my camera bag to top off the night...YAY haha
But were here and happy so its a new day and I'm excited!!!

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