Sunday, June 12, 2011

A day with new family

Today we got to meet our new In-Laws. We went to Tookata's mothers house where we spent the day with her family, and getting to know everyone. The language barrier is really difficult buy the local people are so nice that we can just sit and giggle at our communication skills haha. Its amazing to see the life style, and the simplicity in which the live....

Tookata and her mom

I learned about a Thai style bathroom, which involves a bucket of water and a hole..... haha I'll try to get a good picture of one but I'm avoiding them!

Everything is open, the living space is just a huge balcony surrounded by nature and Mosquito's!!! I was eaten alive today on my feet :( but then we walked around the neighbors and it was pretty awesome to see, there's so much traffic on the roads that river boats are a really popular choice. In the river were thousands of catfish, protected by the monks- so no one will fish, therefore its sooooo overpopulated that there flying everywhere and I think they must get chewed up a little when a boat passes... there's too many and no where to swim too. :(

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